From January 27 until March 4 the
Galería Antonio Camba can be visited with the exhibition which includes alternative publications
about art that is being carried out in Spain. A magnificent exhibition of "magazine-books", that independently, and in a most varied
form, are being produced at present.
The exhibition has been coordinated by Almudena Mora and has gathered together publications such as: Experimenta, Fuera de
Banda, S.T. Libro Objeto, La Más Bella, La Caja de Truenos, Aire, Medio Muertos, El Idiota Eres Tu, Teoría y Practica de la Acción,
Nosotros Somos los Muertos, Prima Littera, P.O. Box, Los Cuadernos del Silencioso, Container, Ecoarte, Píntalo de Verde,
Monográfico, El Paraíso...