Consell de Mallorca has approved three new programmes to promote the knowledge and protection of the environment on
Mallorca. First it will destine 4 million pesetas to the project "Find out about the Dragonera" that intends to improve information
about this natural park. Secondly it will give 25 million pesetas to the educational programme "Mallorca is natural" that, via
agreements with nonlucrative entities, it wishes to implicate all the social sectors in the defence of the environment, both in the
purely conservationist form and the inclusion of economic, entertainment and sporting activities in the natural environment. Finally,
the third programme called "Clean Mallorca", with a budget of 50 million pesetas, it aims to reduce the visual impact of the green
points in the towns and the creation of new points for the selective collection of urban waste, adapting the municipal installations to
the new waste plan.