Magisteri Teatre * Mag Poesia have just incorporated a new section to their web, called
TEATRE A L'ESCOLA, with practical
information about how to work with this art in schools. The section is structured as from five parts:
"JOCS DRAMÀTICS": Dramatic games contains basically a long proposal list that can be carried out easily in the schoolroom,
starting with breathing exercises, and continuing with games for corporal expression, miming and gestures, ending with dramatic
games with verbal expression.
"MUNTATGE TEATRAL": Theatrical set up- in this second section full information can be found to carry out a theatrical production,
from the first preparatory tasks, to the rehearsals and scenification. It also includes an analysis of two great theatrical interpretation
methods: naturalism (Antoine, Stanislavski...) and the detached method (which is that of the Greek theatre, of commedia dell'arte,
"GUIÓ DE TITELLES": Puppet scripts offers orientation and suggestions to produce a puppet script, analysing all the basic points of
theatrical narrative practice.
"TITELLES I OMBRES": Puppets and Shadows is a complement to the previous one and contains full illustrated information about
constructing and working with puppets and shadow theatre.
"CINEMA": explains in depth three great stages in the production of a film, that are the creation of a script (plus the choice of actors,
etc.) the filming and the mounting.
Antoni Artigues, the author of the web, comments that
Magisteri Teatre * Mag Poesia is publishing all this information on the net not
only to share it with all cybernauts interested in the topic, but also because it is the consulting material necessary for Language
subject he teaches at the
Universtitat de les Illes Balears. Other professors of the department of Filología Catalana of the UIB also
use it as reference material.