The Mallorcan artist,
Miquel Barceló , is presenting an exhibition of
ceramics at the
Museum for Decorative Arts (Musée des Arts decoratifs)
in Paris, with the title
"Miquel Barceló: a painter and ceramics"
(Miquel Barceló: Peintre et la céramique).
The exhibition is of over a hundered ceramics representative of the last
five years of investigation and creation by the artist, and was opened
last September 26 and can be visited until November 12, 2000.
An internationally recognised painter, Miquel Barceló has been working
with ceramics since 1995. The artist's new creations are influeced by
his long stays in Mali, right in the heart of Dogon, where Barceló
experiments with new materials, and by the prolongation of this
experience in Jeroni Ginard's traditional workshop in Artŕ.
This approach by Barceló can be included in the line of other painters,
such as
Miró and
Picasso, who became interested in ceramics, opening
their creativity to the third dimension and associating their
investigations to the ancestral mythologies of the Arts of Fire.
Miquel Barceló already exhibited at the end of 1999 and until February
of this year an exhibit of 51 ceramics at the Museu d'Art Espanyol
Contemporani of the
Juan March Foundation in Palma.