On Friday October 6, there is the double concert in the Sala Sonotone at
10 p.m. with the performance by two top level American groups:
Monkeywrench and the
Beachwood Sparks.
Also, on Saturday October 7, as from 10 p.m. there will be another
double concert in the Sala Sonotone with performances by
Doctor Divago
(Valencia), a group with a very original personality, mid way between
Radio Futura and the Byrds, together with the Mallorcans, El Diablo en
el Ojo, another of the groups with a most acute personality in the
present independent rock panorama. Only 500 pesetas entrance.
Finally, the Mallorcan record company
Primeros Pasitos, connected to
the Sala Sonotone, continues with a presentation tour of the record Café
Bizarre. The record records the fiestas "Café Bizarre" that took place
on Sundays at the Café Garito in Can Barbará (Palma). In the
presentation fiestas the music of the styles reflected on the record are
combined with video projections and slides, by Tuyi Ortas from the
producer Moviment 70. The "Cafe Bizarre Cocktail Parties" were
presented officially in the closure of the exhibition
La Casa del Cactus
(Ses Salines), last September 17, and after passing via Sonotone
(Palma), Etxekalte (Donosti) and Abaixadors 10 (Barcelona), they will
reach the Mercado de Fuencarral (Madrid) and Abaixadors 10 (Barcelona)
in November and, pending confirmation for the date, the sala Batofar
More information about fiestas and concerts on Mallorca: