Toni Albā returns to the
Teatre del Mar with the production "L'Ombra", from October 25 till November 19. Old favourite of
the faithful audience of the Teatre del Mar, Toni Alba performed for the first time in the hall in 1994, presenting the same work,
"L'Ombra" which had an amazing success. The public acceptance was so good in that first era of the Teatre del Mar, that it
sowed the seed of the stable programme by the Theatre.
Now, after six year, we can laugh once again with Toni Albā, based on his own experiences that explain the history of an actor
who is a specialist in understudying, with identity problems. The star suffers a kind of squizofrenia and does not know when he
is himself or the character he represents. Finally, frightened, he decides to give up the dangerous "game" of fact and fiction.
According to Albā, "L'Ombra is inspired on a period of my life when I had to do the same work as the hero of this romance."
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