On Tuesday, January 23 2001, the reformed
Foreigners' Law came into force. The new Law can represent the expulsion
from Spain, within 48 hours, of immigrants who have had their regularisation
request refused. As from today, the foreigners who live irregularly
in Spain will not be able to demonstrate. Neither will they be able to
participate in strikes, nor integrate in a union or any other association.
Both the immigrant collectives and the unions have rejected the contents
of the new norm. In practice, the entry of the Law will not cause
the massive expulsion of those 'without papers' as a decree is expected
from the Central Government that could include a great number of the rejected
people in the annual contingent, still to be fixed, for foreign workers.
Complete text of the Ley de Extranjería:
Ley Orgánica
8/2000, de 22 de diciembre, de reforma de la Ley Orgánica 4/2000,
de 11 de enero, sobre derechos y libertades de los extranjeros en España
y su integración social (BOE núm. 307, de 23-12-00).
More information:
Ministerio del Interior