Only just over two weeks are left of the inscription time for the
Web 2003 organised by BalearWeb. Those interested in participating
in the contest have time until the coming April 25 to formalise their
There are already 30 web pages registered, most of which are from Mallorca,
but there are also some from Menorca, Eivissa and Formentera. There are
new projects created this year and also some webs that have already participated
in previous editions. The list will be published on April 26.
This prize has been given every year since 2000 and has always had a
sizeable participation, both because of the prizes that are given, and
because of the objective to serve as a platform to promote the participating
webs. It is not surprising that some contestants repeat, particularly when
bearing in mind that the activities that are held connected with the Prize
–the on-line voting, the debate, the chat and the final fiesta– are very
This year the Premi Web has been sponsored by the
General de Política Lingüística of the Conselleria
d'Educació i Cultura of the Balearic Government and different from
last year, there will be three prizes: one first prize consisting of 1,200
euros and the purchase of a personal domain for the winning web, a second
prize of 600 euros and a third prize of 300 euros.
Some of the webs awarded in the previous editions of the Prize are:
Fotografia de Natura,,
Novena Dimensió,
de Mallorca and