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Munar elected the President of Mallorca

Munar elected the President of Mallorca
Maria Antònia Munar was elected last Friday the President of the Consell de Mallorca with the votes in favour of the three councillors of Unió Mallorquina and the 16 of the Partido Popular. The 3 councillors of the PSM-Entesa Nacionalista and the 2 of Esquerra Unida- Els Verds did not present a candidate and abstained from the voting, and the 9 councillors of the PSIB-PSOE voted for their candidate, Francina Armengol.

After two legislatures of a pact with the Left, Munar now occupies the presidency of the first insular institution for the third consecutive time with the support from the councillors of the Partido Popular. The councillors of Unió Mallorquina will administer all the departments except Social Services and Sport, which will be administered by the Partido Popular via a public entity to be created.

More information: Especial Eleccions 2003

UP DATE (08/07/2003)

The president of the Mallorcan Council, Mª Antònia Munar, presented yesterday, Monday, the 8 councillors of her cabinet who will form part of the government of the first insular institution:

Mª Antònia Munar i Riutort

First Vice-presidency
Miquel Nadal i Buades

Second Vice-presidency and Department for Culture
Dolça Mulet i Dezcallar

Department of Public Works
Antoni Pascual i Ribot

Department  of Economy and the Exchequer
Miquel Àngel Flaquer i Terrassa

Department of Territorial Planning
Bartomeu Vicens i Mir

Department of Environment and Nature
Miquel Àngel Borràs i Llabrés

Department of Municipal Cooperation
Miquel Riera i Servera

Department of the Presidency
Ferran Trujillo i Zaforteza
Datum: 05/07/2003

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