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Concerts by Victor Heredia, Jaime Roos and Ron Carter in Assaig

Concerts by Victor Heredia, Jaime Roos and Ron Carter in Assaig
On Saturday, September 27, as from 10 p.m. a new cycle of concerts will start in the Sala Assaig in Palma. The concerts are called "Pro Artes del Mundo" and will have the double performance of two significant artists of popular Latin-American music from Rio de la Plata. These are the Argentinean composer singer Victor Heredia, who conducting his band will present the numbers of his latest CD "Entonces", and the Uruguayan Jaime Roos, who accompanied by his band "Contraseña" will bring the candombe, the murga, the tango and the urban rock of Montevideo.

The cycle will continue the following Saturday, October 4 with the performance for the first time in Palma of a living American jazz legend. This is the well known base player and composer, Ron Carter, founder member of the mythical Miles Davis Quintet, who will perform in the Sala Assaig leading his quartet Foursight.

Tickets in advance that can be acquired in the record shops Xocolat and Gong and via the Servicaixa, are from 15 to 20 euros for the Victor Heredia and Jaime Roos concert, and 20, 25 and 30 euros for the performance by Ron Carter.

The Sala Assaig, situated in the Gremi Porgadors in the Polígono Son Castelló in Palma (Tel. 971431344), opened last March and has a concert hall for 1,500 people, several rehearsal rooms and a recording studio.

Photo: Record cover of "Entonces" by Victor Heredia
Datum: 07/09/2003

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