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Archiv 1999-2003

Nachrichten: 561-565 de 3190

  1. 561.

    Fair of non-profit-making entities to promote social participation

    The Fira d'Entitats per la participació dedicated to non-profit-making-entities and social participation will be held from October 30 to November 1 in the Patio of the Escorxador in Palma. ...

    23 Oktober 2002Archiv 1999-2003

  2. 562.

    Jaume Arnella presents two records at the book shop Quart Creixent

    The artist Jaume Arnella, well known for his commitment to popular and traditional music,  will present his two latest records, "Cançons i balades de Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer" and "Cançons de ...

    22 Oktober 2002Archiv 1999-2003

  3. 563.

    Gregorian Chants in Cala Millor

    The Auditòrium Sa Màniga in Cala Millor, will hold, on Saturday, October 26, a concert by the Quartet Balear and the Schola Gregoriana. They will perform the "The Seven Last Words of our ...

    22 Oktober 2002Archiv 1999-2003

  4. 564.

    Everything about the new Internet Law (II)

    On October 12, 2002, the new Spanish Law for services of the Information society and electronic commerce ( LSSICE ), popularly known as the LSSI, came in force. The controversial norm regulates ...

    21 Oktober 2002Archiv 1999-2003

  5. 565.

    International Days on Historic Organs

    The two first concerts of the "Jornades Internacionals de l'Orgue Històric de les Balears", organised by the Fundació ACA , took place last weekend in Fornalutx and Pollença. The programme ...

    21 Oktober 2002Archiv 1999-2003


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