Once over the Christmas celebrations, we go on to the festivities of Sant Antoni and Sant Sebastià. Sant Antoni,
patron saint of farm animals, is held between January 16, 17 and 18 in many towns of Mallorca: Sa Pobla, Muro, Pollença,
Andratx... where there are street parades, "les beneïdes" (animal blessings), bonfires, dancing, devils, etc.
Meanwhile, on the 20th, Sant Sebastian is revered, patron saint of Palma. The night before, as usual, there will be grand dances in
different parts of Palma centre and the performance by Salseta del Poble Sec, Balls i Tonades de Mallorca, Tracalada, Pla Forana,
Al-Mayurqa, Luz Casal, Australian Blonde and others.
In Pollença there is a programme of a wide range of activities for these festivities... street parade, xeremiers (musicians) cavallets
(special cock-horses), competitions... The
full programme of the activities can be found on