As from today until September 29, the
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) and the World Bank are holding their
annual meeting in Prague.
Numerous movements and associations from the world over have called for
mobilisations and alternative events to demonstrate their rejection of
the effects of the globalisation of the economy.
A series of Mallorcan organisations have constituted a Platform with the
view to participating in the Movement for Global Resistance initiated in
Seattle, and to give life to this world date amongst us. The Mallorcan
Platform for the Movement for Global Resistance called a meeting on
Tuesday September 26, 2000, in the Joan Carles I Square in Palma.
The organisations integrated initially in the Platform are: CCOO, UGT,
CGT, STEI-i, Unió de Pagesos, SEM, Pau i Solidaritat, Sindicat
d'Estudiants, Cristians pel Socialisme, Amics de la Terra, GOB,
Federació d'Associacions de Veïnats, Veterinaris sense Fronteres, ISCOD,
Els Verds, EU, PSM-EN, Revolta and Plataforma antimilitarista, and they
have edited a manifest that states the abandon of the countryside and
the Balearization, the result of the sole industry... tourist, are the
effects of the globalization here on the islands.
More information:
Initiative Against Economic Globalisation - Prague 2000
IndyMedia Center
Moviment de Resistència Global (Catalunya)