ei! vine de festa presents this month of September, 72 new photographs
of concerts held recently on the Islands. Some of the groups
photographed are: Carles Grimalt y la Sectadelmar, Daniel y la Quartet
de Baño Band, La Gran Orquesta Republicana, Mal Vici, Antònia Font, Fora
des sembrat, Sopa de cabra, Els Pets... The web already includes 300
photographs: over 50 recitals! What is more, soon they will also
include the photographs of tribute to Tomeu Penya, held last Saturday
in Vilafranca, with performances by Marina Rossell, Geminis, Regina do
Santos and Ocults, amongst others.
As for other novelties, besides the diary of activities, worth
mentioning is the new MP3. This is a tune by Rondalla Bellver, called
"Fandango de tristor". This section has grown and there are now eight
tunes to be downloaded via the web.
Photo: Fora des Sembrat, festival Rock'n'llengua, in the Parc Reina
Sofia in Ibiza - 07/08/2000
ei! vine de festa: