The writer from sa Pobla, Miquel López Crespí, has just won the "Camilo José Cela 2000" Literature Prize that is given in
Padrón, the birthplace of the famous Nobel Prize winner. The jury of this important literary garland was made up of some of
the most important personalities of the Gallician culture.
The prize, for which a total of thirty seven works had been presented, has been given to a translation into Castillian Spanish of
the narrative by Miquel López Crespí, called "La inundación" (The flood). The writer will travel next week to Galicia to receive
the Prize. Miquel López Crespí has seen numerous of his works edited this year: "Núria i la glòria dels vençuts" (novel);
"Revolta" (poetry); Ácte Únic (theatre) and Cultura i antifranquisme (essay), among others.