Antònia Calafat is an independent illustrator and graphic designer from
Santa Margalida who dedicates an important part of her work to the
creation of web pages. She studied at the Escola d'Art de Palma de
Malloca gaining the qualifications of Superior Technician in Plastic Arts
and Design, and then carried out different courses in design by
computer. Now, thanks to the Internet facilities, she can work and live
in her own town and carry out high quality web pages for clients from
all over the Island and any other place.
Before becoming independent and being able to fulfil her wish to work in
a more peaceful surrounding, such as is available in her home town,
Antònia Calafat worked in different activities and firms, such as "CIBAL
Multimedia" where she participated actively in the graphic creation of
the popular educational CD-ROM, "Pipo".
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