An unprecedented global pledge campaign on behalf
of children, led by an impressive array of international personalities
including Nelson Mandela, Kofi Annan and Bill Gates, begins in London and
numerous other locations worldwide.
Called Say Yes for Children, the campaign will reach every part of the
globe to rally people behind ten overarching principles that seek to improve
and protect the lives of children. They are:
Leave No Child Out
Put Children First
Care for Every Child
Stop Harming and Exploiting Children
Listen to Children
Educate Every Child
Protect Children from War
Protect the Earth for Children
Fight Poverty: Invest in Children
The ten principles of Say Yes build on the Convention on the Rights
of the Child, the most ratified international human rights treaty ever,
and 1990's World Summit for Children, where nations committed themselves
to specific goals for children and young people. The goal of Say Yes is
to build a groundswell of support that will push leaders to live up to
these commitments at September's United Nations General Assembly Special
Session on Children.