Within the framework of the
d'Estiu UIB 2001 has programmed for the 20th and 21st of September
Jornades de Filosofia del Dret.
The days "Els desafiaments de la democràcia avui" are coordinated
by Sebastián Urbina, professor of Philosophy of Law at the UIB,
with the participation of Nicolás López Calera, professor
of Philosophy of Law at the University of Granada, Aleksander Peczenik,
professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Lund, Vicente García
Marzá, professor of Philosophy and Sociology at the University Jaume
I, and José Rubio Carracedo, professor of Philosophy at the University
of Málaga.
Sebastián Urbina, writes, commenting the objectives of days:
"democracy, as society, also has its challenges. As an example we can mention
the economic model. Is there an alternative to the market economy? Which?
How can we achieve it? The cultural diversity and the migratory movements
obliges the democratic institutions to give more complex answers for pacific
coexistence. Should we accept everything? Yes or no? Why? The education
will be (is) one of the big challenges that the party demagogy will not
be able to solve".