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Alfonduco Edicions wins the "Web Prize 2002"

All the participants will receive 10,000 banner impressions

The jury's decision for the Premi Web 2002 has not been easy, as this year many high quality webs were competing. For the selection of the winner an extensive evaluation of all the participating webs was carried out in two phases. In the first phase the jury chose as finalists Alfonduco Edicions, Amb una Mica de Sort, Excursionisme per Mallorca, Fundació Natura Parc, Galeria de fotos de PollençaIES Arxiduc Lluís Salvador and SPAAIS.

Afterwards, the jury was divided into groups to analyse specifically the aspects of technique, graphics and content of each one of the finalist webs. Antoni Burguera, Iker Tolosa and Miquel Piulats have analysed the technical aspects. Antònia Calafat, Antonio Fernandez Coca and Elena Vera the graphic aspects. And Biel Perelló, Pep Toni Rúbio and Miquel Àngel Dora the aspects of content.

The Premi Web 2002, that is awarded to the authors of Alfonduco Edicions –the Menorcans Bagur & Villalonga Associats–, consists of 600 €, plus their own domain and hosting for life for the winning web.

BalearWeb wishes to thank all the contestants for their participation in the Premi Web 2002. For this reason they are giving 10,000 banner impressions for each of the contestants to help promote all the participating webs via the informative pages of BalearWeb. The participants can now send their adverts to master@balearweb.com (JPG or GIF format, 468 x 60 pixels, maximum 15 Kb) and they will be incorporated into the rotation of banners by BalearWeb, as from Monday, May 27, for the following 30 days.

Today, Friday 24, as from 8.30 p.m. the Fiesta del Premi Web 2002 will take place at the headoffice of BalearWeb.

LIST OF PARTICIPANTS (in order of inscription)
  Alfonduco Edicions
menorcaweb.net/alfonduco Carabasses
mallorcaweb.net/bel Galeria de fotos de Pollença
mallorcaweb.net/tsalas Federació Balear de Rugbi
mallorcaweb.net/fbrugby Edicions Atàviques
mallorcaweb.net/edataviques Miquel Bezares (escriptor)
mallorcaweb.net/mbezares Eurodois DIGITAL
mallorcaweb.net/eurodois Arqueologia de Menorca
menorcaweb.net/arqueologia Gabriel Perelló (pintor)
mallorcaweb.net/gperello Dimonis d'Alaró
mallorcaweb.net/dimonisalaro Kayak a Mallorca
mallorcaweb.net/kayak Grup de música Límit
mallorcaweb.net/limit Joventuts Musicals de Palma
mallorcaweb.net/jmpalma Geganters d'Alaró
mallorcaweb.net/cabritibassa Excursionisme per Mallorca
mallorcaweb.net/excursions IES Arxiduc Lluís Salvador
mallorcaweb.net/iesarxiduc Llatra, l'obra de palma
mallorcaweb.net/llatra CP Sant Bartomeu
mallorcaweb.net/cpsb CP Son Juny
mallorcaweb.net/cpsonjuny SPAAIS - Didàctica de l'Astronomia
mallorcaweb.net/spaais Mallorca Rest
mallorcaweb.net/mallorcarest Sa Platgeta bar restaurant
formenteraweb.net/saplatgeta Cases turístiques Castelló
formenteraweb.net/casescastello Amb Una Mica de Sort
mallorcaweb.net/ams L'Eivissa d'abans
eivissaweb.net/nostalgia Això és Mallorca
mallorcaweb.net/pedroarcos Fundació Natura Parc
mallorcaweb.net/fundacio-np Parròquia Sta. Teresa del Nin Jesús

Related news:
"Premi Web 2002": Chat and Fiesta with the contestants (14/5/2002)
Web Prize 2002: Which web do you like best? (6/5/2002)
28 webs participate in the "Premi Web 2002" (4/5/2002)
BalearWeb organises the Web Prize 2002 (17/3/2002)
Date of publication: 24/05/2002

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