On October 29 and November 12 and 26 the Sa Nostra Cultural Centre
in Palma will hold the cycle of speeches "Aproximació a la Cultura
Islàmica". Organised by the
de la Mediterrània, platform formed by
UIB, and the
de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Mallorca, Eivissa
i Formentera, the cycle intends to promote the knowledge on the Islamic
culture and the integration of people that come from Islamic countries.
October 29, 19:30 h
"Women and Islam"
Fouzia Rhissassi, co-chairholder for "Women and their Rights" at the
Ibn Toufail University (Kenitra - Morocco)
November 12, 19:30 h
"The identity of North African immigrants in the occidental countries"
Tahar Ben Jelloun.
Editor born in Morocco and living in France
Awarded with the Goncourt 1987 prize
November 26, 19:30 h
"Democracy and Islam"
Mohamed Charfi.
Professor Emeritus, University of Tunis.
Photo: detail of the programme edited by Sa Nostra