has organised a Human Chain in solidarity with those affected by the oil
slick from the Prestige on the Galician coast and so that such an ecological
disaster with its serious economic and social consequence should not happen
again "Nunca Máis". The event will take place next December
9 in the Passeig del Born de Palma.
The movement intends to remark the following: solidarity with the Galicians
and particularly those affected, indignation for the lack of foresight
to avoid accidents such as this, a protest for the lack of fast and
effective action and for the lack of coordination, and a call for urgent
measures for environment recovery and to help the families affected by
this disaster.
The public of the Balearics and Pitiüses who cannot participate
in this event on Monday and all those who wish can make a written note
of their solidarity with the Galicians by joining the
human chain proposed by the
with collaboration from
Full information about the ecological disaster on the Galician coast
can be found in the special "
negra sombra do Prestige" of the electronic publication Vieros.
Meanwhile the Xunta de Galicia inform about the subject on the web
Información sobre
o verquido provocado polo petroleiro Prestige". Information can also
be found on the webs of
Greenpeace España,
Other interesting webs are
marea negra do Prestige by the University of Vigo and
Castastrofe do Prestige by the Asociación para a Defensa Ecolóxica
de Galiza (ADGA).