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Archive 1999-2003

News: 846-850 of 3190

  1. 846.

    Sculptures by Amelia García in the Maneu Art Gallery

    The art gallery Joan Oliver "Maneu" from Palma is holding until June 10, an exhibition of ceramic sculptures by Amelia García. Amelia A. García Sanchez (Valverdón, ...

    26 May 2002Archive 1999-2003

  2. 847.

    Alfonduco Edicions wins the "Web Prize 2002"

    All the participants will receive 10,000 banner impressions The jury's decision for the Premi Web 2002 has not been easy, as this year many high quality webs were competing. For the selection ...

    24 May 2002Archive 1999-2003

  3. 848.

    Spring fairs and fiestas in Manacor

    With the Fair of Manacor on Sunday 26, the traditional period of Spring Fairs that have taken place in April and May in many towns of Mallorca ends. Once again, the Manacor Town Council has ...

    22 May 2002Archive 1999-2003

  4. 849.

    Concert dedicated to Our Lady of Sant Salvador

    The choir Capella Mallorquina , conducted by Josep Maria Moreno, will offer a special concert dedicated to Our Lady of Sant Salvador, on May 25 at 7 p.m., at Sant Salvador Sanctuary in ...

    22 May 2002Archive 1999-2003

  5. 850.

    Macbeth, Shakespeare's tragedy in Alcúdia

    The Auditori d'Alcúdia will stage on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 Shakespeare 's Macbeth , directed by Calixto Bieito and produced by the Teatre Romea, the Festival de Salzburg and ...

    22 May 2002Archive 1999-2003


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