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Palma > Wissenschaft und Bildung > Schulen > Bauernhöfe

Web-Sites: 1-2 von 2 [Neueste zuerst | Alphabetisch geordnet]

  1. 1.

    Camps d'Aprenentatge de les Illes Balears

    The learning fields of the Balearics are an educative service that offer teachers and pupils the possibility of staying in a special place: in Son Ferriol, es Palmer, Orient, sa Cala (Eivissa), es Pinaret (Menorca).

    Palma >> Wissenschaft und Bildung >> Schulen >> Bauernhöfe

  2. 2.

    Granja Escola Jovent

    Farm school that organises environmental and cultural activities for children and young people. Located in the property of Son Moll (Camí Vell de Bunyola, Palma).

    Palma >> Wissenschaft und Bildung >> Schulen >> Bauernhöfe


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