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Pollença > Kunst und Kultur > Museen

Web-Sites: 1-3 von 3 [Neueste zuerst | Alphabetisch geordnet]

  1. 1.

    Casa Museu Dionís Bennàssar

    House Museu of Dionís Bennàssar in Pollença.

    Pollença >> Kunst und Kultur >> Museen

  2. 2.

    Museu de Pollença

    The Pollença Museum is to be found in the old Dominican convent. Paintings, Gothic Rededos, archaeological pieces, a Buddhist 'mandala' and the Atilio Boveri collection.

    Pollença >> Kunst und Kultur >> Museen

  3. 3.

    Museu Martí Vicenç

    Museum situated in Pollença that presents the paintings, sculptures, textile designs and other woks by Martí Vicenç Alemany (Pollença, 1926-1995).

    Pollença >> Kunst und Kultur >> Museen


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