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Web-Sites: 11-15 von 18 [Neueste zuerst | Alphabetisch geordnet]

  1. 11.

    Carlos Lisaar

    Sexoxologist consultant. Sexual problems and disfunctions: fimosis (without surgery), premature ejaculation, frigidity, anorgasm, impotence, sexuality during pregnancy, dissyncronisation of the couple, etc.


  2. 12.

    Jardí Medicinal Ramon Llull

    The main objectives of the Ramon Llull Medicinal Garden in Selva, are information, investigation and conservation of medicianal plants.


  3. 13.

    Laboratori d'Investigació en Litiasi Renal - UIB

    The Laboratory of Renal Lithiasis Research offers, as the main services, the study of renal calculi(composition and ethiology) and the study of urinary risk to develop calcium renal calculi (oxalate, phosphate).


  4. 14.

    Residuos Sanitarios

    By Antoni Trias. Management of sanitary residues.


  5. 15.

    British Wheelchair Centre

    Wheelchair, scooter or bath seat rentals, repairs, service or sales. General advice on availability of helpful contacts and accommodation in Mallorca.



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