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Kunst und Kultur > Sprache und Literatur > Katalanisch

Web-Sites: 41-45 von 48 [Neueste zuerst | Alphabetisch geordnet]

  1. 41.

    5000 Refranys de la Nostra Terra

    This work collects 5.283 proverbs and sayings in Catalan, subdivided in subjects that refer to cultural and traditional aspects of Catalan culture, in continuous ampliation.

    Kunst und Kultur >> Sprache und Literatur >> Katalanisch

  2. 42.

    Premi Nadal Batle i Nicolau - Consell Social de la UIB

    The prize will be given to the best unedited informative essay or novel, written in Catalan, which deals totally or partially with information technologies and their social impact, excluding science fiction.

    Kunst und Kultur >> Sprache und Literatur >> Katalanisch

  3. 43.

    Gabinet de Terminologia - UIB

    The Terminology Office of the University of the Balearic Islands, collaborator of Termcat, was created with a view to coordinating and promoting the initiatives in the field of terminology in the Balearics.

    Kunst und Kultur >> Sprache und Literatur >> Katalanisch

  4. 44.

    Gabinet d’Onomàstica - UIB

    The Onomastic (Toponym and Antroponym) Office was created by the Balearic University as a service and aid for teachers, the investigation and development of the field of names and associated technologies carried out in the UIB.

    Kunst und Kultur >> Sprache und Literatur >> Katalanisch

  5. 45.

    Servei Lingüístic de la UIB

    Dedicated to the language normalisation in the University of the Balearic Islands to give support to the consulting function with the Autonomous Statue. Five activity areas: correction, terminology, onomastics, promotion and training.

    Kunst und Kultur >> Sprache und Literatur >> Katalanisch


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