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Wissenschaft und Bildung > Lehrmittel

Web-Sites: 6-10 von 26 [Neueste zuerst | Alphabetisch geordnet]

  1. 6.

    Artifex Balear

    Educational project directed by Miquel Ramis dedicated to traditional building skills including stonework and decorative ironwork.

    Wissenschaft und Bildung >> Lehrmittel

  2. 7.


    Web portal by the European Union. A virtual meeting place and directory of information for all aspects of e-learning.

    Wissenschaft und Bildung >> Lehrmittel

  3. 8.

    Eines comunicatives de la xarxa

    Educational uses of the digital communication tools.

    Wissenschaft und Bildung >> Lehrmittel

  4. 9.

    Un Passeig per Mallorca

    Game online about the culture and history of Mallorca: Open source Java Applet.

    Wissenschaft und Bildung >> Lehrmittel

  5. 10.

    Any Europeu de les Llengües

    Web page about the European Year of Languages, by the General Direction of Linguistic Policy of the Balearic Government.

    Wissenschaft und Bildung >> Lehrmittel


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