Home >> Specials >> Prize for the best 2000 web CATALÀ ESPAÑOL ENGLISH DEUTSCH
Prize for the best 2000 web 


Objective: The objective of this contest is to promote the contents related to the culture and economy of Mallorca on Internet.

Conditions: The competing web must bear some relation to the culture or economy of the island. The competing web pages must be hosted on the web space assigned by the FREEmail service and fulfil the conditions that can be found on the sign up form.

Date: The limit for presenting webs in the contest is April 28.

Panel: The best 2000 web will be the one most voted by the cybernauts in an online poll that will be prepared for that end. The poll that will determine who is the winner of the WEB 2000 Prize will start on May 1 and end on the 14th of the same month. 

Prize: The prize for the best 2000 web will be the purchase of a personal domain for the wining web, the hosting of the web with its own domain --free and for life -- on MallorcaWeb and 50,000 pesetas if the winner is an individual or business, or 100,000 pesetas if the winner is an association, an NGO, a school, institute, university department or any other nonlucrative entity.

1 -
9D-La Novena Dimensió
2 -
3 -
ei! vine de festa
4 -
Trips in Mallorca
5 -
Artà Guide
6 -
Mallorca Guide
7 -
8 -
Homo Erectus
9 -
10 -
11 -
Mallorcan Folk Music
12 -
Palma de Noche
13 -
14 -
Fernando Nadal's Web Site
15 -
From the 1st to the 14th of May
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