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Science and education > Organisations

Webs: 1-35 of 35 [Latest additions first | Alphabetical order]

  1. 1.

    Conselleria d'Educació, Cultura i Universitats

    Ministry of Education, Culture and Universities of the Balearic Government. Councillor: Rafael Àngel Bosch i Sans.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  2. 2.

    Associació de Professors d'Anglès de les Illes Balears

    Association created by a group of teachers of English, belonging to different educational levels, aiming to help gain more widespread consideration of the importance of teaching and learning the English language, as well as to support educational practices in this field.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  3. 3.

    APA Col·legi Sant Pere

    Parents Association of the Sant Pere school i Palma.

    Science and education >> Organisations

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    Balearic Physics Association.

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    APA de Mata de Jonc

    Parents Association of the Mata de Jonc school.

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    School Council of Balearic Islands.

    Science and education >> Organisations

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    FAPA Mallorca

    Federation of associations of parents of students of Mallorca.

    Science and education >> Organisations

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    APiMA CP Son Ferriol

    Parents' association of the CP Son Ferriol school.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  9. 9.

    Escola d'Estiu de Mallorca

    Summer courses for teachers.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  10. 10.

    Associació Filosòfica de les Illes Balears

    Web page of the Philosophy Association of the Balearic Islands.

    Science and education >> Organisations

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    Balearic Mathematics Society (SBM-XEIX).

    Science and education >> Organisations

  12. 12.

    Col·legi Oficial de Pedagogia i Psicopedagogia de les Illes Balears

    Web page of the Official Association of Pedagogy and Psychopedagogy from the Balearic Islands.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  13. 13.

    AMPA Jaume III

    Parents' association for the Rei Jaume III school in Llucmajor.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  14. 14.


    Association of School directors from Mallorca.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  15. 15.


    Balearic association of music teachers.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  16. 16.

    Plataforma en defensa de l'ensenyament

    Platform against the linguistic and educational measures announced by the Balearic Government, formed by members of the educational centres of the Balearic Islands.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  17. 17.

    Associació de pares/mares d'alumnes Marian Aguiló

    Parents' association of the Marian Aguiló school.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  18. 18.


    Professional qualifications institute of the Balearic Islands.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  19. 19.

    Associació d'Orientadors de les Illes Balears

    Web of the Balearic Association of Educational guides.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  20. 20.

    AMPA Rafal Vell

    Parents Association of the school Rafal Vell.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  21. 21.

    APIMA de l'IES Emili Darder

    Parents Association of the High School Emili Darder in Son Cotoner (Palma).

    Science and education >> Organisations

  22. 22.

    Associació Trenta-1

    Cultural activities for youngsters, organised by a group of teachers of the Balearic Islands.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  23. 23.

    Químics de les Illes Balears

    Official Association of Chemists of the Balearics.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  24. 24.

    Ciencia Divertida

    Organisation of educational and leisure activities for schools, town councils, business and children parties.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  25. 25.

    Associació de mares i pares del CP Guillem Ballester i Cerdó

    Page with the activities of the parents' association of the CP Guillem Ballester i Cerdó in Muro.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  26. 26.


    Psychologists and Pedagogues surgery for parents, children and teaching professionals. Consulting online.

    Science and education >> Organisations

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    Balearic business organisation of the Catholic religious educational centres.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  28. 28.

    A.P. i M.A. Es Puig

    Parents' association for the Colegio Público "Es Puig" in Soller.

    Science and education >> Organisations

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    Conference of rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE).

    Science and education >> Organisations

  30. 30.

    ARC-46 - Grup de comunicació d'informació educativa

    The Grup de Comunicació ARC-46, coordinated by the psychologist and guide, Antoni Ramis, was founded in 1997 and since 1998 has an informative web site aimed at consultants, informers, youngsters and students on the Islands.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  31. 31.

    Centre d'estudis de l'Esplai

    Youth Club Centre of Studies is a non-lucrative teaching school, that offers its services to society within the ambit of free time.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  32. 32.

    Fundació Esplai de les Illes

    The Fundació Esplay of the Islands is formed by three sections: Serveis d'Esplai de les Illes, Grups d'esplai de Mallorca (GDEM) and Escola de l'Esplai de les Illes.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  33. 33.

    Sección Balear de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos - SEEC

    Aimed at teachers and studens of Latin, Greek, Philosophy and ancient history. Activities of the sector in the Balearic Islands.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  34. 34.


    Geographic Society of the Balearic Islands.

    Science and education >> Organisations

  35. 35.

    Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats de les Illes Balears

    We basically group teaching professionals, although we also group other professionals such as psychologists, translators, archaeologists, etc.

    Science and education >> Organisations


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