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Science and education > Schools > Private schools

Webs: 16-20 of 29 [Latest additions first | Alphabetical order]

  1. 16.

    Escolania de Lluc

    Lluc Sanctuary Choir, popularly known as the Blauets.

    Science and education >> Schools >> Private schools

  2. 17.

    Sant Vicenç de Paül School

    Infants, primary and secondary education.

    Science and education >> Schools >> Private schools

  3. 18.

    La Milagrosa School

    Infants, primary and secondary education.

    Science and education >> Schools >> Private schools

  4. 19.

    San Cayetano School

    Web site of the private school San Cayetano in Palma.

    Science and education >> Schools >> Private schools

  5. 20.

    Sant Pere School

    Centre dependent on the Bishopric of Mallorca. Kindergarten education (EI), primary education (EP) compulsory secondary education (ESO), Spanish High School standard.

    Science and education >> Schools >> Private schools


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