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Let's Save Mallorca

Let's Save Mallorca

Popular legislative initiative in the Parliament and party in Santa Maria.

The Salvem Mallorca platform, together with other entities from Menorca and Eivissa, has presented a law proposition to the Parliament of the Balearic Islands in base to a Popular Legislative Initiative, a form of popular political participation recognised by the Statute of Autonomy of the Balearic Islands and the Parliament norms and ruled by the law of 1991, through which citizens present a law before the Parliament to be debated and carried forward. The law proposition, presented on Tuesday, October 11, proposes the approval of emergency measures regarding environmental preservation, infrastructures, territorial planning and natural areas. To ensure that the proposed law is debated and voted in the Parliament, the Popular Legislative Initiative will have to collect before three months 10,000 signatures by adult persons registered in the Balearic Islands.

More over, the platform has organised the party "Salvem Mallorca" that will take place on October 22nd, as from 6 p.m. and until midnight, in the square outside the Santa Maria del Camí Town Council. The party will include performances by Antònia Font, Oprimits, Víctor Uris, Grollers de Sa Factoria, Tomeu Penya, Cap Pela, Mal Vici, Uroboros and Rock & Press. There will also be a video production called "Destruction in progress" and a video performance by Renato Sant Jordi.

The campaign was presented in July to mobilise the society in favour of another Mallorca and to denounce and stop the current aggressive environmental and territorial policy of the Balearic Government, the Insular Council and the Town Councils. The platform Let's Save Mallorca, originally called "Qui estima Mallorca no la destrueix", organised in February 2004 the demo in defence of the territory and environment that had the participation of over 45,000 people, and is formed by several associations and groups such as GOB, Amics de la Terra, Son Real no té preu, Plataforma Autovia NO, Plataforma 2n Cinturó, Salvem La Real, SOS Can Vairet, Plataforma en defensa d'Es Carnatge, Plataforma Desdoblament Sí Autovia NO and Plataforma pel Parc de les Vies.

More information: www.salvemmallorca.org (Plataforma Salvem Mallorca)

Photo © BalearWeb

Datum: 12/10/2005

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