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Archiv 1999-2003

Nachrichten: 46-50 de 3190

  1. 46.

    Ciberespai of Sa Nostra in the Ocimax centre

    Sa Nostra has inaugurated the Ciberespai, a centre for work and leisure equipped with PCs connected to Internet and services for printing, scanner, fax, etc. The Ciberespai is situated in the ...

    22 Oktober 2003Archiv 1999-2003

  2. 47.

    One billion children suffer effects of poverty

    According to a new UNICEF -commissioned report entitled "Child Poverty in the Developing World", more than one billion children suffer effects of poverty The results of the study show: - ...

    22 Oktober 2003Archiv 1999-2003

  3. 48.

    International Days on Historic Organs

    The "X Jornades Internacionals de l'Orgue Històric de les Balears" feature 18 concerts to be held in Fornalutx, Pollença, Eivissa, Inca, Muro, Campos, Santanyí, Calvià, Palma, Sencelles, ...

    22 Oktober 2003Archiv 1999-2003

  4. 49.

    Autumn concerts by the Jeunesses Musicales from Palma

    The first autumn concert for the season 2003/04 by Juventudes Musicales de Palma will be held next Wednesday October 22 in the Círculo de Bellas Artes (Casal Balaguer). The guest artist ...

    21 Oktober 2003Archiv 1999-2003

  5. 50.

    Finestra al Sud celebrates its anniversary

    The association Finestra al Sud (S'altra Senalla de Inca) will celebrate next Saturday October 25 it's 4th anniversary with a fiesta that will take place in the plaza del Órgue in Inca ...

    21 Oktober 2003Archiv 1999-2003


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