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Gesellschaft > Religion

Web-Sites: 11-15 von 27 [Neueste zuerst | Alphabetisch geordnet]

  1. 11.

    Moviment de Joves Cristians de Comarques

    This youth group is part of the Mallorcan Diocesan Church, specialized in Catholic Action.

    Gesellschaft >> Religion

  2. 12.

    Parroquia Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús

    Web of the Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús parish in Palma.

    Gesellschaft >> Religion

  3. 13.

    Hermanas de la Caridad de San Vicente de Paúl

    Web by the Sisters of Charity of San Vicente de Paúl in Palma.

    Gesellschaft >> Religion

  4. 14.

    Parroquia Santa Maria la Major d'Inca

    Web page by the Parrish of Santa Maria la Major in Inca.

    Gesellschaft >> Religion

  5. 15.

    Parròquia de Ntra. Sra. dels Dolors

    Web page for the Parish of Ntra. Sra. del Dolors in Manacor.

    Gesellschaft >> Religion


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